Suggest Snippet

Found an intriguing snippet you think would be a good fit for the 100 Million Books collection? This is the place to submit it!


  • Make sure your snippet is from a book that has an ISBN (or, at least some edition of it has one).
  • Keep it to about 2 paragraphs in length, although this is neither a hard maximum nor hard minimum. Be advised: for now, one-liners and vague quotes are not accepted.
  • The snippet should reflect a discrete idea, perspective, emotion, or experience that someone could understand without any prior knowledge of the book or its material.
  • Must include proof it's from a real book. This can be a link to the snippet in Google Books, a picture you take of the physical page, etc. The full snippet must be visible. Imgur is an easy, quick way to upload images, but use what you're comfortable with.
  • The snippet itself should not include or refer to any images or non-text figures that would be critical to understanding it.
We might not choose to add your snippet to the collection, but as long as it's reasonably within the guidelines above, we'll at least try to include it in a post in our Occasional Curiosity column.

For transparency, all submissions are anonymized and viewable here on GitHub.

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